There are so many foods out there that offer great health benefits, but what’s even better is when you get maximum results by eating two foods in combination. This phenomenon is known as food synergy, or when multiple food components work together to offer an even stronger health benefit than what’s available when eating them separately. For example, tomato and avocado is an amazing pair. Lycopene, which is an antioxidant found in tomatoes, is actually absorbed more easily in the intestinal tract when combined with healthy fats. This can also be achieved by eating tomato sauce prepared with olive oil or eggplant parmesan. Tomatoes can also be combined with broccoli as a cancer-fighting duo. Sulforaphane, which is an anti-cancer compound in broccoli, works better when it is eaten with lycopene. Another great duo is garbanzo beans with beet root. Whether eaten as a soup, or a salad topped with chopped red beets and hummus, the vitamin B6 within the beans helps the body absorb the magnesium found within the beet root. Kale and lemon are one powerful couple. Together, the vitamin C abundant within the lemons actually helps to absorb the iron within the leafy green. This same principle can be achieved if beans are eaten with vitamin c-rich bell pepper.
Overall, it’s easy to maximize the health benefits from various foods when your diet has a lot of variety. DeliverLean offers just that, whether you choose from our Classic plan or Vegetarian plan. For example, to get more iron in the diet, we offer a brown rice bowl topped with kale and a chipotle lemon tahini dressing. A lighter item with a strong antioxidant punch is our Blackened Ahi Tuna Salad with Tomato, Avocado and Mango. From hot to cold, we provide a variety of healthy delivery options, and make sure to offer a healthy kick in each dish.