Our Chief Marketing Officer, Candy Tree, is taking the Flywheel 4 Week NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Challenge! For the next 4 weeks, Candy will be eating DeliverLean meals & doing Flywheel 4 times per week. She will be posting about her experience & results as she breaks up with wine & chocolate, & starts working on those overdue New Year’s resolutions!
Day 1
Weigh in:
Well, here I am. Day 1! It seems that I extended my holidays a little too long, not working as hard as I should have on my New Year’s resolution to GET IN SHAPE. Apparently it’s almost February. What?! Thank heavens for Flywheel & this challenge to push me to finally get motivated to reach my goal in four weeks. Like many people after the holidays, I overindulged a little too much and for too long and now it’s time to get rid of those pesky extra holiday pounds. I finally settled on ten pounds as my weight loss goal. I’ve convinced my family and coworkers to HIDE THE CHOCOLATE (DL revAMP truffles are my FAV) and have vowed to only have WOW (wine-on-weekends).
This morning, I ate a DeliverLean Egg White Omelet with Turkey Sausage, and will be eating an Organic Buckwheat Noodle Salad for lunch. That’s what I love about DeliverLean. There’s so many different meal options that I couldn’t possibly get bored! I’v already done 1 of 4 Flywheel workouts so far this week and need to make it back back 3 more times before sundown on Sunday! Wish me luck!
Check back here every Wednesday on this blog for updates on my progress!
To learn more about the Flywheel Challenge go to www.FlywheelSports.com. And to get started on a DeliverLean meal plan call 888-730-5326 or go to www.DeliverLean.com
Time to FLY!