When most of us think of the holidays, we immediately think of all those tasty foods that pack on the pounds. Who knew that wintertime eating could be delicious and healthy? At DeliverLean, we don’t believe in sacrificing your waistline over the holiday months, but instead improving your energy with delectable and healthy seasonal vegetables!
One vegetable we can’t get enough of is the sweet potato. This orange root veggie is high in fiber, delivering 4 grams per cup to aid in fullness and promote regularity. Additionally, sweet potatoes have 12% daily value of potassium and 377% of daily Vitamin A! Potassium helps regulate blood pressure by eliminating sodium from the system and Vitamin A prevents vision loss. This winter veggie can be incorporated in hundreds of dishes, and our Executive Chef Phillipe Pinon and his culinary team are not slacking in their execution! You can enjoy dishes like Sweet Potato Multigrain Pecan Pancakes with Acai Vanilla Syrup by choosing this item on your DeliverLean portal.

Another wonderful winter veggie that packs tons of health benefits is kale. This wonder green can be transformed from salad to sauce to juice; each benefitting you with loads of vitamins and minerals. Most notably, one cup of kale contains over 600% of the RDA for vitamin K, which is essential in blood clotting. One way we like to use this veggie is by cold-pressing it in into our 100% USDA Organic, Kosher certified juices. One of our most popular flavors is Pina-Kale-Lotta. With pineapple, cucumber and kale, you will finish off two pounds of organic fruits and veggies without even blinking an eye! We also have a Kale and Pecorino Salad with an Herbed Quinoa Patty that is loved by vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. However you prefer your kale, you’ll find a variety of preparations by logging into our online portal where you can choose your own meals.

DeliverLean is also proud to have converted many so-called “selective eaters” into Brussels sprouts lovers! These mini cabbages from the cruciferous family of vegetables are amazing for your body. They are an excellent source of Vitamin C and K. Additionally, they are full of B vitamins which regulate metabolism and also act as roughage in your diet, with over 3 grams of fiber per cup. You will end up including this energy-inducing veggie in your daily repertoire without a second thought when you taste our Bronze Corvina with Creamy Parmesan Polenta and Roasted Brussels Sprouts Ponzu.

Why let your belt buckle suffer during the winter months when you can feel lighter, happier, and more energized with our fresh, seasonal food full of delicious winter veggies.

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